World Inspired Recipes

  • mashed potatoes

    MASHED POTATOES – Ultra Creamy and Smooth

    It’s Holiday Season, the time when we get together with our family and friends. As a result, we enjoy each other’s company and are thankful. The get together also means food, lots of food. For instance, a holiday feast often include a roasted turkey. The turkey is often the masterpiece and mashed potatoes everyone’s favorite side . If you know me, you know that I love mashed potatoes. I can eat them for lunch and dinner. They are a staple during the holidays for my family and I.

  • Curry rice

    Easy Chicken Curry Rice

    In today’s episode, I am sharing an easy chicken curry rice recipe. This recipe requires very little ingredients and tastes delicious. I make it for lunch and dinner. My kids love it so I make it about once a week. I also make this recipe many ways. Sometimes I use chicken breast like I did in this recipe, and other times I use chicken drumsticks or chicken thighs. That recipe can be found here.  As always, I hope you enjoy this recipe.