Guinean Recipes

  • ketoun/sweet potato potage

    Ketoun | Yam Porridge

    Hey food lovers, welcome back for another delicious ethnic recipe. Today we’re going to Guinea. I’m sharing a Ketoun recipe. Ketoun is typical Guinean something that we eat year round but mostly during Ramadan. It is a porridge/pottage with a mixture of vegetables, mostly sweet with some fish and palm oil. If you love sweet and salty, you’ll love Ketoun. Normally the texture of Ketoun resembles a sweet potato pottage but I like mine chunkier.

  • Bissap/Hibiscus/Sorrel Drink

    BISSAP – Hibiscus/Sorrel Drink

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you how I make Bissap. Bissap is a very yummy and refreshing drink that brings back childhood memories for me. Aside from being delicious, Bissap is rich in vitamin C and proteins. In fact, the benefits come from the dried sorrel flowers/hibiscus. There are many ways to make Bissap, but this recipe is my go to and favorite way to make it. Likewise, you can checkout the video I made on my Youtube channel Afromomspices showing you all the steps on how to make Bissap. Hope you enjoy 😀

  • Fouti Lafidi


    Today I am sharing with you an authentic Guinean dish called Fouti Lafidi. It is a very popular dish in Guinea Conakry if not the most popular. As a matter of fact, you can serve it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Growing up, we use to eat Fouti for breakfast every weekend. We would often make it at home. And sometimes buy it in the neighborhood.